Henderson has several financing options that partner will with state economic development incentives for many of your business needs. Financial incentives for Henderson businesses are available through several programs that include Tax Increment Financing, Local Revolving Loan Funds and the Henderson Investment Club to name a few. An outline of local incentives can be found below.
Local Revolving Loan Funds
The City of Henderson has a revolving loan fund established to be a financing tool to fund existing business needs, the development of new business start-ups and economic development site improvements. Through this program, consists of a low-interest loan business program for business lending throughout Henderson.
To date, over $45,000 dollars have been loaned out to 7 businesses in Henderson. If you’d like to apply for loan funds, program guidelines and an application checklist are available below.
Henderson Investors
Members of the investment club invest their personal funds into the treasury of the company on a monthly basis in order to fund operations and pursue company objectives. For more information contact, Steve Michel at (402) 723-4441.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
The city of Henderson has the ability to use TIF to assist a new or expanding business. For more information, contact the City of Henderson at (402) 723-5782 for details on eligible areas.
Microenterprise Tax Credit (website)
The Microenterprise Act provides persons actively involved in micro businesses a refundable individual income tax credit based on demonstrated growth of their business over two tax years. The Microenterprise Act has $2 million available for each calendar year through December 31, 2015 to provide tax credits to applicants for creating or expanding microbusinesses. The total lifetime tax credits claimed by any one taxpayer and any related person(s) are limited to $10,000. An individual may file another Microenterprise Application after the first two year application period has ended. The individual may claim no more than the difference between the $10,000 lifetime limit and the pending amount previously requested. Details on the program can be found at the Nebraska Department of Revenue here.